Our Robot

2023 Charged Up Robot

The Game:

In 2023, the FRC game Charged Up revolved around the robot obtaining Cones and Cubes from around the game field, and scoring them by placing them on shelves located on sides of the field. The shelves had multiple levels and specific slots, enabling a certain level of precision required for the robots. For the endgame, the robots had to balance on the Charge Station, which is effectively a seesaw. Balancing multiple robots weighing upwards of 100 pounds upon that proved interesting.  

Our Robot:

 Our robot involved a few key subsystems: our drivetrain, intake, and  telescoping arm. The swerve drivetrain proved effective at letting the robot move around the field. Combined with the intake (which worked for both cubes and cones) and our telescoping arm for placing the game pieces on shelves, it allowed our robot to perform well throughout the competition. 

2022 RapidReact Robot

The Game:

In 2022, the FRC game RapidReact revolved around us shooting inflated tennis balls into a specific hoop that was located at the center of the field. Our robot had to launch those tennis balls both horizontally and vertically. The robot obtained these balls primarily by picking them up from various spots around the field. The secondary objective of the game was to climb a series of traversal bars, which were similar to monkey bars. 

Our Robot:

 Our robot involved a few key subsystems: our drivetrain, intake, indexer, and turret. The swerve drivetrain proved effective at letting the robot move around the field. Combined with the Intake-Store-Shoot scoring mechanism (that also had a pretty cool auto-targeting feature), it allowed our robot to perform well throughout the competition.