BEST Eagles

BEST Robotics

What is BEST Robotics?

BEST Robotics is a middle and high school robotics competition which encourages, excites and inspires students to pursue engineering and STEM in their future career. The BEST Competition involves constructing a wooden robot similar in size to an FTC robot, that can accomplish certain field objectives. Participating in BEST means challenging students with emulating real world product development, as well as figuring out how to solve or work on a real world issue. 

What We Do

Team #708: South Forsyth High School

Our school, South Forsyth High School, has a BEST Robotics team that competes ever year and has done so for the past 8 years. The reason that they can do so, is that they are run by us, the EagleBots. Team #708 South Forsyth High School is the BEST Robotics team that we run each year, and use as a medium to spread interest among our high school students to pursue engineering and STEM.

BEST Robotics Team #708 performed admirably this year! They won 1st Place in their presentations and notebook, and 2nd Place in robot performance, securing them 1st place at the State Competition! They then competed in the Championship at Auburn University! We are very proud of our BEST Robotics team, and each and every student that contributed to this.

BEST Robotics Volunteering

Each year, competing in BEST Robotics means that there are various volunteering opportunities that are open. For example, this year we hosted the Georgia BEST Competition Practice Day before the championship! Participating in events like these allow our team to meet other amazing students from across the state who are interested in STEM and engineering. We also get to work with the Regional BEST Leadership, which are individuals who have come back after graduation to help out with us.