Soaring STEM Eagles

Soaring STEM Eagles

Our team conducts various kinds of events in order to spread knowledge of FIRST, STEM, FRC, and engineering. These events range from working with local FLL teams, showcasing our robot and team at different events, working with groups from our high school on projects, and more. We do these events to show kids the fun in engineering and robotics, and spread interest and passion for it, as well as spreading FIRST itself within the community.

FLL Teams

We mentor local FLL teams to help them prepare for their events and work on their robot, project, and core values. This season, we worked especially hard and had lots of fun with McGinnis Ferry Elementary's FLL team 17729 The Wildbots! We are looking forward to helping teams prepare for next year, as well as working with more teams in our area.

Showcase Events: Inspire

A great way to introduce younger kids to the fun of STEM is by showing them our competition bot, which we do through Showcase Events. Our Showcase Inspire events range from elementary schools, middle schools, county events, and events to support causes or other organizations. We always have a lot of fun with these events, and they help us show the community and rising generations what fun FRC truly is. These events are focused around kids who are too young to do FRC or high level robotics, and so we inspire them to start looking into STEM and FIRST from an early age.

Showcase Events: Encourage

Our Showcase Encourage Events on the other hand, are focused around rising and current high schoolers. These events involve us showing our competition robot as well as showcasing our team itself. By showcasing who we are as well as what we do, we encourage high school students to look more into engineering and FRC at our school. These are especially critical events for rising high schoolers, as it allows them to see the opportunity of FRC that they have in high school, which can help them build their future career.

SFHS Engineering Department

Our team, the EagleBots, is based out of our high school's engineering department. As such, we are often involved in various activities alongside our engineering compatriots to host and spread knowledge around our school. This is similar to our Showcase Encourage Events, but is focused around workng with the other engineering groups at our school. This involves us volunteering for VEX EDR & VEX IQ competitions, as well as representing engineering at our school's CTAE Excellence Review, all while working alongside TSA, VEX, and the other engineering groups at our school.